my big family

my big family
1 Family

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our Story : Chapter 9 : Happy Time Again

Happy Time Again

            Since then, I hear love songs like I never did before. They were like an antidote and intoxicating. We were now an item, not a puppy love any more, but we were seriously in love. I knew that I found the one whom I would love to spent my whole life with. (I did. Well at least, her whole life) I didn’t want any other. I promise my self that she will be the one and nothing can ever change that. Not a single thing. We were twenty years old.

            We only met once a week, because she was then an international flight stewardess and she always flew abroad. Every single night, though I received her call. Even for three minutes it was precious. I made sure if she was working, I would be home before nine pm. She always called around that time. It was great. And each time I would ask where she was. She wanted to give me her schedule, but I declined. I told her that I was her boyfriend then, not her husband…yet. I didn’t’ want her to think that I wanted to hold her down. Furthermore I loved the surprises. She was in Dubai today, in Los Angeles in the next day, in Beijing the next.

            She did ask me every single time she called me if I wanted anything from which ever country she was in. My answered was; “you”. As any other couple who is madly deeply in love we always ended our conversation with; “sayang dia...” (Love him), and the answered was; “sayang dia jugak..” (Love her /him too) When she came back, we always went out on a date, our venue a bit far then, since I owned a motor bike, or we used my father’s blue proton. She preferred the bike, because she felt sorry for my father, whom had to walk to mosque. The other reason was I always had to go back before sun down, but the main reason was she can hug me from behind. She always said that she will never let me go again.

            Siti was not a scrooge. She doesn’t mind spending her salary on her family friends and me. So many times I told her that I don’t want anything except to be with her, but she was a stubborn lady. Sometimes he bought me clothes, a pair of shoe, we went out and have lunch and dinner at fancy restaurants, and even gave me spending money. I was embarrassed by it. I don’t want to be labeled as a money sucker. Once, I don’t want to receive anything from her, but then, she told me if I want to make her happy, please accept. I had a choice; seeing her happy face the entire date, or a dark cloud circling her head. I choose the latter. She knew at that time I was working part time, and still studying to be an architect.

            During our dates, the first few months, we were sneaking around. I picked her up at the small gate behind the police quarters. I don’t like it. I wanted to pick her up at her doorstep. I wanted to ask her parents permission to bring their daughter out on a date, so that if anything happened, they can blame me. I got my wished, but after I knew her true story.

            She was actually engaged. Her fiancé named was Azlan. (Yes! The same name as her brother) Azlan was also working in the same airline company as Siti, and he was the one who handled her time table. Azlan treated her bad. He took all she had, her salary was his. She didn’t protest. She knew what he did was wrong but she didn’t do anything. She let it happened. She felt obligated to love this disturbing bended evil maniac. She was enchanted by him, binded by a black magic.

            Once, she told me that, she asked Azlan for a help. She was sick and in bed. She was hungry and craving a ‘char-kuey-teow’ from Bangsar. He did come, to her house but it was just a tricked. He forced her to get up and went with him. (She was very sick) That’s not the end of it, they stopped by at an ATM machine and withdrew her money, and then they went to Bangsar (with a taxi) and bought the ‘char-kuey-teow’. They went home after that, and he left with her money in his pocket. After that she realized what he did to her, and noticed that she was actually ‘forced’ by an unknown entity. She went back to her home town and found a cure, but a cure not a 100% cleared.

He was lucky because after Siti and I were back together again, I never ever once did see him. I did search for him though, in spite of Siti’s disapproval, because I really love to re arranged his’ face structure.

... to be continued


  1. semua kisah dalam blog ni amat menyentuh perasaan hingga bengkak mata menangis. Macam tengok filem hindustan pulak. Tapi realitinya memang benar dan saya amat kagumi ketabahan seorang bapa tunggal yang membesarkan anak2 tanpa kasih sayang seorang ibu. Saya amat memahaminya dan sangat tersentuh. Ia patut dicontohi oleh kebanyakan bapa2 tunggal hari ini atau yang masih mempunyai isteri agar menghargai setiap detik bersama isteri dan anak-anak tercinta kerana kenangan dan saat itu takkan berulang lagi. Ia hanya datang sekali seumur hidup kita. Anak adalah segala-galanya setelah pemergian isteri tercinta. Sayangilah mereka sebagaimana kasih dan cinta kepada isteri yang telah meninggalkan kita. Pemergiannya takkan kembali dan sukar dicari ganti. Hanya doa yang akan mengiringi hari-hari seterusnya. Semoga hidup bersama anak-anak akan terus ceria dan gembira. Insyaallah. Aminnn.

  2. Amin.. terima kasih nor.. saya sentiasa berharap sahabat2 dan kenalan2 menghargai org yg tersyg, sebab kita tak tahu bile dan bagaimana dia akan tiada di sisi kita, lebih2 lagi ibu bapa kita sendiri. dan saya juga doakan agar sahabat dan kenalan saya tidak menempuhi apa yg saya tempuhi. InsyaAllah...Aminn
